Hazardous materials are not only detrimental to human beings and their health, but they are also unsafe for the entire environment and biodiversity itself. And this is something we pay close attention to here at Wilmington Dumpster Rentals Center.
These types of waste materials can bring illness or death to people, animals and plants. Hence, these dangerous items need to be separated and not placed into the regular community’s regular trash. In addition specific legislations are in place to determine how to deal with such products.

Learning the right process for disposing of these hazardous waste or other similar materials can be complex. Let our experts manage it quickly, securely, and professionally for you.
Various common household products contain hazardous chemicals. When released in nature, these chemicals are able to infect our body, home and of course nature and the environment.
Once you’ve cleansed your home of these toxic products, you can replace them with healthier and greener choices of cleaning alternatives and safely dispose of your household hazardous materials.
As a matter of fact there are plenty of products we use regularly at home which are considered hazardous. Do not attempt to pour or flush household hazardous materials elements down the drain where they will go into the sewage system. Some of these chemicals can destroy your plumbing and become the reason of failure in septic systems before they create their way to our streams and oceans.
It is very important to know what household hazardous materials are. Here is a partial list: acetone, wasp and ant spray, antifreeze, barbecue starters, car waxes, and polishes, hair coloring, aerosol hair spray, glues, lye, paint thinners, nail polish remover, rechargeable batteries, shoe polish, spa and pool chemicals, weed killers and windshield washer solution.
There are also cleaning agents which belong to household hazardous materials, and they are the following: abrasive cleaners, aerosol air fresheners, all-purpose cleaners, bleach, ammonia, disinfectants, drain cleaners, laundry stain removers, fabric softeners, glass cleaners, laundry starch, mildew removers, rug and upholstery cleaners, oven cleaners, tub and tile cleaners, and toilet cleaners.
We put below a list of the important things to keep in mind if you are a resident of North Carolina
- Make it a habit to read labels. When buying products, read and follow the directions exactly.
- You have to think small. Use the right amount of product for your needs. For instance, with pesticides only take the minimum account needed. It is an incorrect idea that using twice as much is twice as effective, however, it is absolutely twice as toxic.
- Go for non-toxic alternatives. Buy the least toxic product available on the market. Danger, Caution, Warning, Harmful, Poison, Toxic, Corrosive, Volatile, Flammable, Inflammable, Combustible or Explosive — take note of these words should alert you to the hazardous nature of the product. Choose water-based products over solvent-based ones. Stop the use of aerosols if possible. Products with chlorinated compounds, petroleum distillates, phenols, and formaldehyde should be avoided.
- Ensure proper storage. Always store products in their original containers with labels. Store unsafe products away from small children and pets.
- Do not mix products. Some household products, when mixed, can create hazardous fumes or might become explosive. Do not mix anything with products having chlorine or ammonia.
- You should plan ahead. To minimize waste, only purchase what you need. Never buy a gallon if you just need a cup. Consider how you are going to dispose of whichever material you have left over. Offer leftover products to a responsible neighbor or associate who can benefit from it rather than throwing it straightway.
Now, we have made it clear to you there are plenty of products we use regularly at home which are considered hazardous. However, it’s not much of a worry as they can be readily recognized by definite signals words such as Caution, Warning, Danger, or else Poisonous on the labels.
Pay attention to these signs which can always be found on their labels. We just need to be responsible for disposing of them properly to protect our health and the environment.
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